On Antediluvian/Failure

The piece that never happened. 

THE FLOODED LECTURE SERIES- in collaboration with the Anacostia Watershed Society, 5×5 Public Arts Initiative, The Dc Commission for Arts and humanities, curated by Stephanie Sherman

Mia partnered with The Anacostia Watershed Society and Groundwork DC tio present seven free tours on the Anacostia River titled: The Flooded Lecture Series: These lectures took place on pontoons and canoes and was each uniquely themed and brought together climate scientists, Smithsonian fellows, musicians, poets, primitive technologists and river historians who led fascinating discussions on the water. 

PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE- storytelling about the Anacostia River’s History by local resident Dennis Chestnut and an Introduction to the river with Lee Cain from the Anacostia Watershed Society. 

MARSH MAGIC- an evening canoe tour through the Anacostia Marsh at dusk with Lee Cain and biologist Jorge Bogantes Montero, poetry by Yael Flesberg and sitar performance by Omar Pitras Wagar. 

THE MOON AND TIDES-A midnight tour of the river featuring river history with Lee Cain, poetry with Buck Downs and a theremin performance by Arthur Harris (accompanied by Lee Cain on the saw)

WASTE AND TRASH- an ecological tour featuring the poetry of Nasrlan Taeira and Smithsonian staff scientist Dr. Kristinia Anderson Taxeira on ecosystems ecology, forest ecology and global ecologies. 

MANIPULATION OF THE NATURAL WORLD-A pontoon trip featuring a knapping demonstration by primitive technologist and archeologist Miked Johnson and discussion lead by Marchant Lucky Wentworth of the Union of Concerned Scientists. 

ENERGY!-a pontoon adventure featuring Solar visionary and president of the Stella Group- Scott Skal

SOIL, OIL, SLUDGE- a canoe tour to Kennilworth Marsh exploring historical and botanical information woth Lee Cain, biolghist Jorge Bogantes Montero and poetry in the dark wight Leeya Mehta.